Are you an author needing help? I’m here to help, hire me!
Below you will find the EDITING services we currently offer. We have tried to provide you with a variety of affordable EDITING options!
Other Services Available: EDITING | MARKETING | OTHER
For more information about the current services or should you need assistance not found on our site, please contact us at support (at) wearewordnerds (dot) com and we would be happy to help you!
Which type of editing is right for your project?
It is important to understand that there are multiple levels of editing. It is equally important to understand where your project is in the development process in order to pick the editing service that best fits your needs.
Most projects will go through a typical editing process. This process starts with a Developmental Edit to get the story in order. Once that is taken care of and all changes are made, the project is ready for the Copy Edit. Copy editing is the process 100% of books should go through at least once. This is the dreaded red pen of death. I don’t mean just the little red pen that will show you your typos. That pen is there too, but I mean the broad red marker that will move, change, or delete entire sections of your project. Once your project makes it through the Copy Edit, breath a sigh of relief. The hardest part is over. Next up is the Line Edit. Line editing is a red pen, but at this point there should be hardly anything left to find. Line editing (sometimes called “Deep Editing” or “Heavy Editing”) is basically going through the project line by line. This edit is fine tuning out the remaining typos, sure, but it is also checking the prose and general flow of the story. All projects should undergo a deep line edit before hitting the shelves. It is the last critical cut through before the project goes off to the Beta-reader / Proofreader.
So your workflow should look something like this:
Write your book
Developmental Edit
Copy Edit
Line Edit
We need to read it as a READER not an editor and see what we think.
Our Editing Services
My prices vary depending on edit and project length. I accept both hardcopy and softcopy.
Developmental Editing
- Structural Guidance
- Critique
Developmental Editing is also known as Substantive Editing or Structural Editing. Since this type of editing is more for story development and cohesion, there isn’t really any writing or rewriting on my end. For this type of editing to work the author and I will have to be “on the same page” about the project. That means you will really have to be willing to talk with me about the project. I can’t do my job if I have no idea what your project is supposed to achieve. I’ll be examining the overall structure of the story and will make recommendations for smoother pace, transitioning, and cohesion. This is not a grammar or spelling edit, it is a STORY edit. Ultimately, my main job will be to recommend the changes necessary to deliver the best story possible.
This service usually takes 4-6 weeks. This process concludes with a Developmental Edit Letter of Completion. (That’s just a big fancy way of saying an in-depth letter of my thoughts about your project) The fee for this service is .02 per word, 500 word minimum.
Copy Editing
- Editing for grammar, spelling, punctuation errors, style, and consistency
Copy Editing is the editing process writers seem to fear the most. It is also the process that your project needs the most. This is when your project will be checked for grammar, spelling and punctuation errors. It will also be checked for style and consistency.
This service usually takes 8-10 weeks. Hardcopy projects are edited using standard proofreading markup and my little red pen. Softcopy projects are edited in WORD using the track changes feature. The fee for this service is .02 per word, 500 word minimum.
Line Editing
- Editing
Line Editing is sometimes referred to as “Deep Editing” or “Heavy Editing”. I like to refer to Line Editing as “Cleaning Up”. This type of editing is more about cleaning up that final bit of text. It does include light grammar and spelling edits as needed, but it more focuses on the prose. What that means is, line editing focuses more on the consistency of the language and the fluidity of the story. Are the sentences worded well, etc. We quite literally examine every line of the project. Copy Editing and Line Editing are not checking the same elements and one should not be chosen in lieu of the other.
This service usually takes 10-12 weeks. Hardcopy projects are edited using standard proofreading markup and my little red pen. Softcopy projects are edited in WORD using the track changes feature. The fee for this service is .02 per word, 500 word minimum.
Beta Read / Proof Read
- Light grammar editing
- Story suggestions & plotline points
- Marketing ideas
- Cover suggestions
I would love to read your project and give you my thoughts! I know, I know. You are thinking “Really? BETA READING is a PREMIUM service? There are a thousand people out there who will do it for FREE!” You’re right, there are. Here is the thing though, those “free” beta readers… well, they ain’t me. (Yes, I just said AIN’T. Ties in with the site name. See what I did there?) Really though, I have to charge for this service. I am busy. I have a list of clients and projects needing my attention… and if I’m being honest here, time is money.
Technically speaking, a proofreader and a beta-reader are not the same thing. Except, for with my services, they are.
Now you’re wondering “What? Well then, what all is included?”
Please note that when I beta, I’m reading what is supposed to be your finished copy. This service is just to see if there was anything missed that would be picked up on by a casual reader. I won’t be going through the story line by line with a red pen. That editing should have already been completed. At this point, I’m looking for any final spelling, punctuation, grammatical, or consistency errors that may have slipped through. I’m glancing at page layout, numbering, and headings too. This is the one final look through to see if there is anything that someone reading the story for fun would notice. The last thing you, as a writer, want is one tiny mistake ripping the reader right out of their experience!
This service usually takes 4-6 weeks. I currently charge $250 per project (up to 45,000 words). This includes: light editing notes, story suggestions, plotline points (looking for holes and unresolved questions), and general marketing ideas. Hardcopy projects are edited using standard proofreading markup and my little red pen. Softcopy projects are beta-read in WORD using the track changes and comment features.
Conversions & Samples
- Converting to either Epub, Mobi
- Samples
We can convert your project into either Epub or Mobi (or both)! For full projects our current fee is $250 per format ($400 for both). This conversion includes cover art. We can also provide samples for you to distribute from one to four chapters of your book in either (or both) format. Sample clips are $100 per format.
Query Letter Critique
- Editing/Proofreading
- Critique
Query letters are daunting. I will work with you to help you get the best letter we can for your book. The fee for this service is $25 + .02 per word.
Blog Management and Post Editing
- Post editing/proofreading and scheduling
- SEO optimization
- Search Engine Submissions
- Social media “sharing”
- Comment moderation and interaction
Cost of Service: $100 per month (up to 5 posts per week).
Our Editing Fees
My prices vary depending on edit and project length. I accept both hardcopy and softcopy. Please see each listing for specifics.
Free Sample Edit
I do offer a free sample edit to new clients who would like to try out my services. Free sample edits are available to new potential clients only. One two-page sample may be sent to me via email or snail mail. Samples should be no more than 500 words. I will send back my recommended edits in the same manner it was received. If sending snail mail, please include a S.A.S.E. If you decide I am the editor for you, I can continue with the rest of your manuscript at the rates below. Please contact me about your project prior to sending your sample.
We accept most genres, however, we prefer working with the following :
- Horror
- Thriller
- Fantasy & Paranormal
- Young Adult
- Middle Grade
We do NOT accept the following genres:
- Genre > EROTICA
- Genre > New Adult
Editing Fees
Fees are calculated based on word count and editing type. For a description of the different types of editing, please see above.
After reviewing your project you will be sent a binding quote outlining the terms of our agreement. For most projects, I require a 50% deposit in advance. The other 50% is due by or upon completion.
For more information about the current services or should you need assistance not listed above please contact us at services (at) aintwrite (dot) com
and we will be happy to assist you!